General terms and conditions

§ 1 Validity of these terms and conditions

1 These General Terms and Conditions ("GTC") of primeone business solutions gmbh, Am Euro Platz 2/Building G, A-1120 Vienna, FN 323407z ("primeone") shall apply to all declarations, offers, deliveries and services and pre-contractual obligations of primeone in connection with the services listed in § 6 to § 9. To the extent that primeone and the customer ("the contracting parties") have already commenced cooperation prior to the conclusion of a written contract, they shall also subject such cooperation to the provisions of these General Terms and Conditions. Other terms and conditions, in particular those of the customer, shall not become part of the contract, even if primeone does not expressly object to them.
2 These GTC shall only apply vis-à-vis entrepreneurs within the meaning of §§ 1, 2 and 3 of the Austrian Commercial Code (UGB) as well as legal entities under public law.

§ 2 Conclusion of contract

1. primeone shall conduct contract negotiations with the customer by letter, e-mail, fax, telephone or verbally/personally.
2. primeone's offers shall be subject to change and non-binding unless primeone has designated the offer as binding in writing. All statements made by primeone regarding the expected time and costs of an order are estimates based on the preconditions stated by the customer and are non-binding; the same shall apply to statements regarding delivery and performance dates, unless they have been designated as binding in writing.
3. a contract shall be deemed to have been concluded upon acceptance of the offer by the customer or upon the customer's placing an order with the same content as the offer, and also upon primeone's commencement of performance. primeone may at any time request written confirmation of any oral declarations made by the customer.
4. if the customer's declaration or order deviates from primeone's offer ("customer's contractual offer"), a contract shall only be concluded by primeone's confirmation of the customer's contractual offer and by primeone's commencement of the provision of services. If nothing to the contrary is stipulated in an offer made by primeone, primeone shall be bound by it for a period of two weeks.

§ 3 Standard software, services or cloud applications of a third party

1. if the customer orders standard software, services, cloud applications or cloud services (cloud applications and cloud services together: "the cloud applications") from a third party (the "third party manufacturer") via primeone, a contract shall be concluded exclusively between the customer and the third party manufacturer or dealer from whom primeone places the order for the customer (dealer and third party manufacturer hereinafter together: "the third party").
2. primeone shall merely process the customer's order and shall have no contractual obligations with respect to the services of the third party and shall not assume any liability of any kind in this connection.
3. primeone's terms and conditions of business shall apply exclusively to the contract between the customer and the third party. The customer shall itself inquire about any amendments and new versions of the third party's terms and conditions. primeone draws the customer's attention to the fact that, in the event of the sale of software, the third party may, in addition to all other rights of suspension or termination to which the third party may be entitled, temporarily or permanently block the password, the account and access to the Cloud Services ordered if
o primeone, through whom Customer has placed this Order, breaches its obligations to the Third Party in relation to the Cloud Services under this Order (which includes failure to pay any amounts owed by it in connection with this Order by the due date), or
o the Customer fails to comply with its obligation to make timely payments in connection with the Cloud Services under this Order.
4. primeone shall support the customer, at the customer's request, in acquiring any supplements and extensions to the services of the Third-Party Vendor.
5. the provisions of these GTC shall apply mutatis mutandis to the services provided by primeone pursuant to § 3 of these GTC.

§ 4 Cooperation of the Contracting Parties

1. the contracting parties undertake to cooperate closely and fairly, provide each other with the necessary information and support each other in such a way that the purpose and objectives of the contract can be achieved cooperatively. The cooperation shall not establish a relationship under company law between the contracting parties. 2.
2. if the cooperation requires close coordination between the contracting parties, the following shall apply:
a. Prior to the start of performance, each contractual partner shall appoint a competent contact person who is available to the other contractual partner for information and who can make decisions himself or bring them about in a timely manner. The contracting parties will avoid replacing the contact person if possible. If a designated contact person leaves the company of one of the contracting partners, the respective contracting partner shall immediately designate a new contact person and provide his/her contact details and decision-making powers. If necessary, the contractual partners shall appoint a deputy for the contact person.
b. The contact persons shall keep each other informed on an ongoing basis about the progress of performance processing and shall meet by arrangement, but at least once a month on site or remotely.
c. The contact person on primeone's side has the task of organizing the performance processing in a responsible manner. This includes the planning, implementation, control and documentation of the services. The customer shall cooperate in this within the scope of its duties to cooperate (see also § 17). primeone may request that project employees of the customer be named and that it be determined with what proportion of their working time they shall be available for the project. The customer may only replace named project employees for compelling operational reasons or in consultation with primeone.
d. If required by the scope and complexity of the services to be provided by primeone, the contractual partners shall appoint an equal number of persons who shall jointly form a steering committee. Each contractual partner shall appoint a spokesperson. In the steering committee, the spokespersons report on the status and planned progress of the service provision. The steering committee decides if no agreement can be reached at the level of the contact persons on a question of the concrete implementation of agreed services. Decisions in the steering committee are unanimous. Voting rights are held by the spokespersons. The steering committee meets at regular intervals to be determined by the contract partners when the committee is installed. primeone prepares the meetings of the steering committee (invitation, agenda, decision-making material).
e. Each contracting partner may request additional meetings of the contact persons or the steering committee.
3. primeone may prepare minutes of meetings which record the main points discussed and the decisions taken and which primeone shall send to the customer for review promptly after their completion. The minutes shall become binding if the customer does not object to specific statements in writing within five working days and at the same time submits its own proposed wording. An objection shall be discussed at the next meeting. A further record of this meeting shall be drawn up by primeone.

§ 5 Services of primeone, Performance Requirements and Change Requests of the Customer

1. prior to conclusion of the contract, the customer has verified that the specification of primeone's services meets its wishes and needs. He expressly confirms that he is aware of the essential features and conditions of primeone's services.
2. product descriptions, representations, etc. are merely exemplary descriptions of services and do not constitute any specific assurances or even guarantees. Any such assurance shall only be effective if expressly stated in writing by primeone's management.
3. primeone does not warrant any barrier-free design of standard and individual software within the meaning of the Federal Act on the Equalization of Persons with Disabilities (Federal Act on the Equalization of Persons with Disabilities), unless this is separately agreed with the customer in writing.
4. primeone shall request in writing any desired changes and extensions or additions to the services (collectively: "the change request"); primeone may at any time request written confirmation of a verbal change request. primeone shall soon estimate whether the change request can be implemented and what effects it will have on the contract (in particular on the time schedule and remuneration) and shall notify the customer in writing of the result of this estimate within a reasonable period of time. The customer shall compensate primeone for the time spent on estimating the change request, in particular the time spent on analysis and concept development, on the basis of the agreed hourly or daily rates. If no such rates have been agreed upon, the rates usually applied by primeone for such services shall be deemed to have been agreed upon.
primeone may refuse to implement a change request if it cannot reasonably be expected to do so or if the change request cannot be implemented by primeone. If the implementation of a change request has an impact on the schedule or the remuneration, primeone shall be entitled to an adjustment of the contractual provisions in this respect. If the contractual partners do not agree on an adjustment, primeone shall continue to provide its services in accordance with the previous contractual provisions.
5. primeone shall be entitled to provide and invoice partial services.
6. primeone shall be entitled to provide services remotely, i.e. by remote access to the customer's IT systems. The customer shall, at its own expense, provide for the necessary technical requirements and grant primeone access to its IT systems after giving primeone prior notice.
7. primeone shall be entitled to engage subcontractors and special experts for all or parts of the agreed services. The subcontractors and special experts are vicarious agents of primeone. The same rules apply to the subcontractors and their employees as well as to the special experts as to primeone; however, the subcontractors and the special experts may not delegate the duty to perform.

§ 6 Introduction of a software system

1. primeone undertakes the implementation of a software (hereinafter: "the Software") at the customer's premises, primeone shall provide a bundle of services against remuneration to the extent of the order.
2. installation of the software:
If primeone has been commissioned to install the Software, the following shall apply:
a. primeone shall install the Software on a production system and, to the extent agreed, on one or more test and development systems at the customer's premises.
b. If the software is installed as a cloud application on the equipment (hardware) of a third party, in particular of the third party manufacturer (cf. § 3 para. 1), primeone shall not provide any installation services with respect to the software and shall therefore not be liable for its functionality and freedom from defects.
3. individual adaptations of the software ("customizing"):
If primeone has been commissioned to provide customising services, the following shall apply:
a. primeone shall adapt the software to the individual requirements of the customer by means of customising. The contracting parties understand customising to mean all adjustments to the software that are possible without programming; § 7 shall apply to individual adjustments that require programming.
b. If the software is installed as a cloud application on the equipment (hardware) of a third party (cf. para. 2 lit. b), primeone shall provide customizing services with respect to the software if and to the extent this is technically possible and supported by the third party.
c. primeone shall not be liable for the documentation of the customizations unless the contracting parties have agreed otherwise in writing;
4. connection of the software via interfaces to the customer's IT landscape:
If primeone has been commissioned to connect the software to the customer's IT landscape, the following shall apply:
a. primeone shall connect the software to the customer's IT landscape via interfaces. If programming activities are required in this context, § 7 shall apply in addition.
b. If the software is installed as a cloud application on the devices (hardware) of a third party (cf. para. 2 li t. b), primeone shall provide services with regard to the connection of the cloud application to the customer's IT landscape via interfaces if and to the extent that this is technically possible and supported by the third party.
c. primeone does not owe the documentation of the interfaces unless the contracting parties have agreed otherwise in writing.
d. The customer shall provide primeone with test systems for all neighbouring systems or third-party systems to which the software is to be connected via interfaces, free of charge and in good time (cf. also § 17).
5. Data Migration:
If primeone has been commissioned with the planning and implementation of the transfer of the customer's data ("Data Migration"), the following shall apply:
a. primeone shall only owe a transfer of the data as it exists in the customer's IT system. If programming activities are required in this context, § 7 shall apply in addition.
b. primeone shall not check the quality of the customer's data.
c. Any analysis of the data for quality and completeness by primeone and any subsequent data cleansing shall be commissioned separately and expressly and shall be remunerated on a time and material basis.
d. If the software is installed as a cloud application on the devices (hardware) of a third party (cf. para. 2 lit. b), primeone shall provide data migration services if and to the extent this is technically possible and supported by the third party.
With respect to all data, the customer shall be exclusively responsible for compliance with the relevant provisions of data protection law (cf. also § 24 para. 2). 6.
6 The services pursuant to § 6 shall be uniformly subject to the law on contracts for work and services pursuant to §§ 1165 ff ABGB.

§ 7 Programming of individual software

1. primeone's programming of individual software shall be based on the written specification of services which primeone shall prepare against payment on the basis of the documents and information provided by the customer or which the customer shall make available. The customer shall check this performance specification for correctness and completeness and shall provide it with its note of approval.
2. the client receives the source program and the development documentation. He shall only receive a user manual if this has been agreed in writing.
3. primeone shall only use such open source software and components, in particular open source program libraries, in the development of the Individual Software for the customer and/or implement them in the Individual Software whose license terms do not conflict with an unrestricted resale and commercial use of the Individual Software and do not place the Individual Software under the provisions of the license terms of the open source software and components.
4. if primeone undertakes the development and programming of Individual Software for the customer, § 6 para. 6 shall apply accordingly here as well (law governing contracts for work and services).

§ 8 Workshops and trainings

1. primeone may be commissioned by the customer to conduct workshops or software user training courses or to train multipliers who in turn train the users of the software system ("multiplier training" or "train the trainer") in return for separate remuneration (plus reimbursement of related cash expenses and out-of-pocket expenses, such as travel expenses in the form of official mileage allowance). If sufficient training of all employees of the customer cannot be achieved by a multiplier training, the customer may commission primeone with the training of additional employees against separate remuneration.
2. workshops or training courses shall be conducted by means of remote services (i.e. by remote access to the customer's IT systems) unless the customer or primeone expressly agree that the services shall be provided at the customer's premises or at another location. In the case of a workshop/training at the customer's premises, the customer shall provide the appropriate premises and technical equipment at its own expense after consultation with primeone. In the case of a workshop/training at another location, the customer shall also provide the premises at its own expense and, in consultation with primeone, shall provide the necessary hardware and software and other material (e.g. flipcharts, etc.) on site at its own expense.
3. primeone shall be entitled to cancel a workshop or training date at short notice for good cause. primeone shall notify the customer of the cancellation of a date as soon as possible and offer alternative dates. primeone shall not be liable for any (additional) costs incurred by the customer as a result, of whatever nature, unless this has been agreed in writing.
4. primeone owes the holding of the workshop or the software user training, but not any success beyond this.

§ 9 Other services

1. primeone shall perform other services for the customer on the basis of the customer's commission, in particular consulting services and other IT services not covered by § 6 to § 8, against separate remuneration according to time and effort.
2. Within the scope of a contract for other services, primeone shall only owe the activity as such in the sense of an effort, but not a specific work result. The same shall apply to activities pursuant to § 8 as well as maintenance contracts.

§ 10 Acceptance of the services rendered by primeone

1. primeone may demand that the customer inspects completed performance statuses and accepts them in the absence of justified objections.
2. if services performed by primeone are to be accepted (cf. § 6 para. 6 and § 7 para. 4), the following shall apply within the scope of acceptance:
a. primeone shall notify the customer of the completion of the implementation work and request the customer to commence the acceptance test. This shall commence a test period of one week. The customer shall carry out the acceptance tests on its own responsibility. The customer may separately and against remuneration commission primeone to support it in the performance of the acceptance tests.
b. The following error classifications shall apply within the framework of the acceptance tests:
▪ Error class 1 (error preventing operation): The fault prevents the use of the service, i.e., the daily operation, regardless of the system environment and software use, suffers a complete operational standstill, and productive continued operation cannot be guaranteed.
▪ Error class 2 (operation-impeding error): The error severely impedes the use of the service, i.e., the daily transaction processes are significantly impaired, regardless of the system environment and software use, and can only be handled by additional manual effort with the aid of workarounds.
▪ Error class 3: Other error.
c. In the event of a class 1 error, the test period shall be extended by the time required by primeone to eliminate the class 1 error and to notify the Customer thereof; the Customer may additionally request an extension of the test period by one additional week. Class 2 and 3 errors do not inhibit the test period.
d. At the end of the test period, the service shall be deemed to have been accepted without any declaration by the Principal being required. The client can only prevent automatic acceptance by informing us in good time and in writing of any errors that actually exist and prevent acceptance. Class 1 defects shall always prevent acceptance. Class 2 defects shall only prevent acceptance if there are more than ten class 2 defects. Class 3 defects do not prevent acceptance.
e. Each contracting party may demand that areas delimited from each other according to the purpose of use be accepted in advance by means of partial acceptances; lit. a) to d) shall apply accordingly. With regard to properties of the partial area which the client can only check in connection with partial areas accepted at a later date, the warranty period for the partial area accepted first shall not commence until acceptance of the partial area accepted at a later date.

§ 11 Rights of Use of the Customer

1. Von primeone unter diesem Vertrag erstellte Vertragsgegenstände sind einschließlich ihrer Vorbereitungsstufen, Entwurfsmaterialien und Dokumentationsunterlagen (nachfolgend zusammen: „die Arbeitsergebnisse“) (insbesondere urheber-)rechtlich geschützt. Gleiches gilt für von primeone gelieferte Vertragsgegenstände, Urheber-, Patent- und Markenrechte und sonstige Schutzrechte an den Vertragsgegenständen und an sonstigen im Rahmen der Vertragsanbahnung und Durchführung von primeone überlassenen Unterlagen und Ergebnissen; diese stehen im Verhältnis der Vertragspartner zunächst ausschließlich primeone zu, sofern nichts anderes ausdrücklich schriftlich vereinbart wird.
2. Übernimmt primeone die Entwicklung und Programmierung von Individualsoftware (vgl. § 6 Abs. 4 lit. a) und Abs. 5 lit. a), § 7) oder erstellt primeone im Rahmen der Erbringung sonstiger Dienstleistungen nach § 9 rechtlich geschützte Arbeitsergebnisse, stehen alle Urheberrechte daran primeone bzw. deren Lizenzgebern zu. primeone räumt hinsichtlich der primeone zustehenden Urheberrechten dem Auftraggeber ein räumlich und zeitlich unbeschränktes Nutzungsrecht an den Arbeitsergebnissen ein. Das Nutzungsrecht des Auftraggebers umfasst ausschließlich folgende Rechte:
a. Der Auftraggeber darf die Arbeitsergebnisse für eigene Zwecke und für Zwecke der gemäß § 15 AktG mit dem Auftraggeber verbundenen Konzernunternehmen während ihrer Zugehörigkeit zum Konzern nutzen und diese Unternehmen für die Zeit der Verbindung in gleicher Weise zur Nutzung der Arbeitsergebnisse berechtigen, wie der Auftraggeber selbst berechtigt ist.
b. Der Auftraggeber darf Abänderungen, Übersetzungen, Bearbeitungen oder andere Umgestaltungen an den Arbeitsergebnissen vornehmen.
c. Der Auftraggeber darf die Arbeitsergebnisse im Original oder in bearbeiteter Form auf einem beliebigen Medium speichern, ablaufen lassen, vervielfältigen, und innerhalb und außerhalb eines Netzwerks verwenden und unabhängig vom Endgerät, sowohl mobil als auch stationär insbesondere über das Internet verbundenen Konzernunternehmen zugänglich machen.
d. Der Auftraggeber darf die Arbeitsergebnisse in Datenbanken und Datennetzen nutzen.
e. Der Auftraggeber darf die Arbeitsergebnisse auch auf den Geräten (Hardware) eines zuvor schriftlich gegenüber primeone benannten Dritten, der nicht mit dem Auftraggeber nach lit., a) verbunden ist, im Rahmen von Outsourcing oder Hosting nach lit. c) und lit. d) nutzen.
3. Der Auftraggeber darf Workshop- und Schulungsunterlagen ausschließlich für interne Zwecke, insbesondere interne Workshops und Schulungen verwenden. Der Auftraggeber darf die Unterlagen nicht vervielfältigen oder in sonstiger Form weitergeben.
4. Eine über die Bestimmungen des Abs. 2 und Abs. 3 hinausgehende Nutzung rechtlich geschützter Arbeitsergebnisse und Vertragsgegenstände, insbesondere ihre Vermietung, ihr Verleih oder ihre Verbreitung in körperlicher oder unkörperlicher Form, ihr Gebrauch durch und für Dritte oder ihre Weitergabe an nicht berechtigte Dritte, bedarf der vorherigen schriftlichen Zustimmung von primeone und ist zusätzlich und angemessen zu vergüten.
5. An rechtlich geschützten Gegenständen, die nicht Vertragsgegenstand sind, aber von primeone während der Leistungserbringung beim Auftraggeber eingesetzt und auf dessen Geräten (Hardware) installiert oder gespeichert werden oder von denen der Auftraggeber Vervielfältigungsstücke erhält, hat der Auftraggeber keine Rechte. Er hat solche Gegenstände unverzüglich zu löschen oder zurückzugeben.
6. primeone ist berechtigt zu überprüfen, ob der Auftraggeber die Vertragsgegenstände im vertraglich vereinbarten Umfang und gemäß diesen Nutzungsbestimmungen nutzt und Gegenstände nach Abs. 5 gelöscht hat. Hierzu wird der Auftraggeber primeone über erste Aufforderung Auskunft erteilen, Einsicht in relevante Dokumente und Unterlagen gewähren und eine Überprüfung der eingesetzten Hardware- und Softwareumgebung ermöglichen. primeone darf die Prüfung in den Räumen des Auftraggebers während seiner regelmäßigen Geschäftszeiten durchführen oder durch zur Verschwiegenheit verpflichtete Dritte, beispielsweise einen Wirtschaftsprüfer, auf eigene Kosten durchführen lassen. primeone wird darauf achten, dass der Geschäftsbetrieb des Auftraggebers durch eine Prüfung vor Ort so wenig wie möglich gestört wird.
7. Ist Software Dritter Teil der Leistungen von primeone, so gelten für diese die Lizenz- und Nutzungsbedingungen des Dritten (vgl. § 3). Enthält die Softwarekomponenten, die unter den Bedingungen einer Open-Source-Lizenz stehen („OpenSource-Komponenten“), so gelten für diese die Regeln der jeweiligen Open-Source-Lizenz. Sollte der Auftraggeber gegen Lizenz- und/oder Nutzungsbedingungen verstoßen, hält er primeone schad- und klaglos.

§ 12 Beginning and end of the rights of the customer

1. ownership of delivered items, in particular data carriers or workshop and training materials, and the rights under § 11 shall not pass to the customer until the contractual remuneration has been paid in full.
2. primeone may revoke the transfer of rights under § 11 for good cause. An important reason shall be deemed to exist in particular if the customer violates § 11 in a significant manner.
3. primeone may, in the event of revocation of rights pursuant to para. 2, demand from the customer the return of the original data carrier with the software and of any workshop and training documents handed over and the written assurance that the customer has rendered unusable all copies of the software (irrespective of their status) and has deleted or destroyed copies of workshop and training documents handed over from its systems.

§ 13 Time of performance, delays, place of performance

1. if the contracting parties subsequently agree on other or additional services that affect agreed deadlines, these deadlines shall be extended by a reasonable period of time.
2. performance deadlines shall be extended by the period during which primeone is prevented from performing the service due to circumstances for which it is not responsible, and by a reasonable start-up period after the end of the impediment. These circumstances include, in particular, force majeure, industrial disputes, non-delivery by suppliers and the customer's lack of or inadequate cooperation (§ 17). Sentence 1 shall also apply to the period in which the Customer is in default with performance obligations under the respective contract. 3.
3. reminders and setting of deadlines by the Principal must be in writing in order to be effective (cf. § 886 ABGB). A period of grace must be reasonable. A period of less than two weeks shall only be reasonable in case of special urgency.

§ 14 Termination of the Exchange of Services, Contractual Obligation and Termination of the Contract

(1) The Customer may terminate contracts for the implementation of a software project (§ 6) and for the programming of individual software (§ 7) prematurely only for good cause attributable to primeone, provided that primeone has not remedied or discontinued such cause within two weeks of being requested to do so in writing. If the elimination or discontinuation of this reason is not possible in fact or in law or if it is not economically feasible, primeone shall not be required to set a grace period. If primeone fails to comply with such a request and the contract is therefore terminated, primeone shall only receive the portion of the agreed remuneration corresponding to the services actually rendered up to the effective date of termination. If, on the other hand, the service is not performed for reasons attributable to the customer or if the customer refuses to perform the agreed service for no reason or for reasons not attributable to primeone, primeone shall retain its claim to the entire agreed remuneration, even if significant parts of the agreed services were not performed. As a deduction for expenses saved by primeone, 10% of the contractual remuneration shall be agreed.
2. contracts for services pursuant to § 8 and other services pursuant to § 9, which are concluded for a limited period of time, shall end upon expiry of the contractually agreed term without any notice of termination being required. Premature termination of a fixed-term contract shall only be possible in writing and for good cause. Such premature termination shall only be permissible if the important reason is not eliminated or discontinued by the contractual partner despite the setting of a reasonable grace period of at least two weeks. If the elimination or discontinuation of this reason is not possible in fact or in law or if it is not economically feasible, a grace period may not be set. In the event of premature termination for cause, primeone shall receive only that portion of the agreed remuneration which corresponds to the services actually rendered up to the effective date of termination. If the contractual partners have concluded the contract for services pursuant to § 8 or § 9 for an indefinite period of time, the contractually agreed notice periods shall apply; if the contractual partners have not reached any agreement in this respect, the contract may be terminated in writing by either contractual partner with one month's notice to the end of the quarter. Other contractual relationships between the contracting parties shall remain unaffected by the termination. 3.
3. all declarations in connection with a termination of the contract/termination must be made in writing in accordance with § 886 ABGB (cf. § 27 para. 3) in order to be effective.

§ 15 Remuneration

1. Der Auftraggeber ist verpflichtet primeone die vereinbarte Vergütung fristgerecht zu bezahlen. Änderungsverlangen (§ 5 Abs. 4) sind stets zu vergüten, gleich ob die Vertragspartner einen Pauschal- oder Festpreis vereinbart haben.
2. Haben die Vertragspartner eine Leistung gegen Vergütung nach Aufwand vereinbart („Zeithonorar“), weist primeone ihre Leistungen durch eine Zeitaufstellung nach, aus der sich der eingesetzte Mitarbeiter, die jeweilige Tätigkeit, der Tag der Leistungserbringung und der Zeitaufwand für die Tätigkeit ergeben. primeone rechnet angefallene Arbeitszeiten halbstundengenau ab. primeone erstellt die Zeitaufstellung jeweils bis zum zehnten Kalendertag eines Kalendermonats für den Vormonat. Die Zeitaufstellung gilt als Leistungsnachweis als genehmigt, soweit der Auftraggeber nicht innerhalb von sieben Kalendertagen nach Erhalt schriftlich begründete Einwände geltend macht.
3. Vereinbaren die Parteien einen Pauschal- oder Festpreis für die Vertragsdurchführung, so sind die dieser Preisabrede unterfallenden Leistungsmerkmale schriftlich im Vertrag oder der schriftlichen Auftragsbestätigung festzuhalten. Soweit keine Fest- oder Pauschalpreisabrede getroffen wurde, erbringt primeone die Leistungen gegen Zeithonorar.
4. primeone kann eine angemessene zusätzliche Vergütung für Leistungen verlangen, die der Auftraggeber wegen Versäumung einer Mitwirkungspflicht (insbesondere § 17) verursachte oder die durch Fehlbedienung oder nicht korrekte Softwareumgebung notwendig wurden.
5. Zur Vergütung und zu allen Entgelten und Preisen kommt stets die gesetzliche Umsatzsteuer hinzu, es sei denn, der Umsatz ist von der Umsatzsteuer befreit oder eine innergemeinschaftliche Leistung innerhalb von Ländern der Europäischen Union (EU).
6. Die vereinbarte Vergütung ist spätestens nach Leistungserbringung fällig. primeone ist berechtigt, Abschlagszahlungen oder Vorauszahlungen wie in §16 Zi 2 angeführt zu verlangen. Dies gilt insbesondere für den Fall von Teilleistungen; die Höhe einer Abschlagszahlung oder Vorauszahlung orientiert sich am Wert der Teilleistung. Für bereits erbrachte Teilleistungen können Zwischenabrechnungen erfolgen und sind die darin ausgewiesenen Forderungen sofort zur Zahlung fällig.
7. Solange nicht sämtliche fälligen Vergütungsansprüche von primeone vollständig beglichen sind, ist primeone auch nicht zur Leistungserbringung und/oder Übergabe von Unterlagen, Dokumentationen, Passwörtern, etc. verpflichtet.
8. Es wird ausdrücklich die Wertbeständigkeit der Entgelte/Preise vereinbart. Als Maß zur Berechnung der Wertbeständigkeit dient ein von der Statistik Austria verlautbarter Verbraucherpreisindex (VPI). Die Wertbeständigkeit kann von primeone einmal jährlich jeweils mit Stichtag/Wirksamkeit per 1.1. („Stichtag“) angewendet werden und wird durch einen Vergleich des VPI-Jahresdurchschnitts zwischen den beiden jeweils vorhergehenden Kalenderjahren geltend gemacht. primeone ist im Fall einer sich aufgrund der Wertbeständigkeit ergebenden Erhöhung der Entgelte/Preise berechtigt, aber nicht verpflichtet, nicht die gesamte Erhöhung (sondern etwa nur Teile davon) geltend zu machen. Beginnend mit 1.1.2024 kann primeone die Wertbeständigkeit in den jeweiligen 3 Folgejahren ab dem jeweiligen Stichtag entsprechend geltend machen; eine rückwirkende Nachverrechnung erfolgt dabei nicht (siehe Beispiel unten). Die Geltendmachung wird dem Kunden im Zuge der Rechnungslegung mitgeteilt. Die näheren Details der Wertbeständigkeit werden zwischen primeone und dem Kunden vereinbart. Theoretisches Beispiel: Aufgrund des VPI könnte primeone ab 1.1.2025 eine Erhöhung von 3% geltend machen, was aber nicht erfolgt; ab 1.1.2026 könnte ANKÖ eine zusätzliche Erhöhung von weiteren 2% geltend machen (z. B. Information über Erhöhung per 1.1.2026 mittels Rechnungslegung am 31.1.2026). primeone könnte ab 1.1.2026 nicht nur 2%, sondern insgesamt eine Erhöhung von bis zu 5% geltend machen; die 3%-Erhöhung für den Zeitraum von 1.1.2025 bis 31.12.2025 könnten zu diesem Zeitpunkt aber nicht mehr nachträglich nachverrechnet werden und würden nur für den Zeitraum ab 1.1.2026 berücksichtigt werden. primeone kann die Erhöhung von 3% längstens bis 2028 geltend machen.

§ 16 Maturity and Payment, Prohibition of Set-Off, Rights of Retention

1. primeone shall invoice services rendered on the basis of time-based fees (§ 15 para. 2) in connection with the performance of the service or at the end of each month.
2. the customer undertakes to pay 80% of the agreed remuneration to primeone upon conclusion of the contract, unless a different payment schedule with different due dates is agreed in writing. The remaining amount (20%) is due after the corresponding (partial) invoicing. In the case of a maintenance/software contract, on the other hand, the entire payment (100%) for a period of 12 months is to be paid in advance, unless another payment schedule with different due dates has been agreed in writing.
3. primeone shall issue an auditable invoice for each payment claim. Invoices are to be paid within 14 days without deduction. Any right of retention on the part of the ordering party (in particular the plea of non-performance or improper performance of the contract) is expressly excluded.
4. If the customer orders standard software, services or cloud applications of a third party (the "Third-Party Vendor") via primeone, the customer may pay the remuneration for the standard software and/or the services or the cloud application of the Third-Party Vendor to primeone in the first billing period with discharging effect.
5. the customer may only set off claims that have been determined by a court of law to be legally valid. The customer may assign claims under this contract to third parties only with primeone's prior written consent.

§ 17 Duties and Obligations of the Customer

1. the customer shall support primeone in the performance of the services and shall provide primeone with all information required for the performance of the contract in a timely manner. To the extent that it is useful for the performance of the contract and reasonable for the customer, the customer shall cooperate in the performance of the contract free of charge by making available in good time and to the extent required, e.g. employees, work rooms, hardware, operating systems, other software, compatible data and telecommunications equipment. The Customer shall ensure the functionality of the working environment. 2.
2. the customer shall define test cases at an early stage, if possible at the beginning of a project, in consultation with primeone and shall make them available to primeone. The customer may commission primeone to propose test scenarios in return for remuneration.
3. primeone shall take reasonable and appropriate precautions in the event that the contractual items fail to work properly in whole or in part. In particular, the customer shall be obligated to perform regular data backups in accordance with the current state of the art.
4. the customer shall grant primeone access to computer systems (in particular legacy systems, test systems and neighboring systems) as required.
5. primeone shall provide the hardware required for the installation and use of the software system to be introduced by primeone (cf. § 6). The hardware shall be provided in good time to enable primeone to render the contractual services without delay.
6. primeone shall be entitled to set a reasonable period of time for the customer to comply with its obligations to cooperate if the customer fails to do so or does so only inadequately, stating that the contract shall be deemed to have been cancelled if the period of time expires unused; in this case, primeone shall no longer be obligated to perform, but shall retain its claim to the agreed remuneration, applying § 14 of these General Terms and Conditions mutatis mutandis. If primeone adheres to the contract, the costs incurred as a result of the customer's failure to cooperate and/or insufficient cooperation (additional expenses, e.g. for overtime at other contractual partners) shall be paid in addition to the agreed remuneration. If primeone suffers damages and/or other disadvantages as a result of a delay caused by a breach of the duty to cooperate, these shall also be reimbursed by the customer.

§ 18 Material defects

1. in case of defects in connection with performance according to § 6 and § 7 shall apply:
a. The Customer shall report defects or malfunctions without delay (cf. § 20 below). The report shall be made in writing. It may only be submitted by a person who has the necessary knowledge of the software system or the individual software created and qualifications and who has been designated in writing to primeone as authorized to report defects.
b. The customer shall support primeone in accordance with the provisions of this contract in the clarification and elimination of the defect, in particular by specifically describing any problems that arise, providing primeone with comprehensive information and giving primeone the time and opportunity required to eliminate the defect. The cooperation on the part of the customer shall be free of charge. Insofar as there is no defect in primeone's performance, but rather, for example, an operating error or a problem with the software environment, primeone shall receive a time fee from the customer for the work of clarifying and eliminating the defect (cf. § 15 para. 2).
c. primeone may first make improvements. primeone may also provide services by remote maintenance; the customer shall grant primeone access to its IT systems for this purpose. The improvement shall be effected, at primeone's discretion, by eliminating the defect, by supplying a defect-free or new program version or by primeone demonstrating ways of avoiding the effects of the defect. In the event of a defect, the customer must accept at least three attempts at improvement. An equivalent new program status or the equivalent previous program status which did not contain the defect shall be accepted by the customer if this is reasonable for him.
d. The following response times shall apply to the rectification of defects:
▪ In the event of class 1 defects (§ 10 para. 2 b) and an error message during normal working hours, primeone shall commence remedial work without delay, at the latest within eight hours of the error message, and shall continue to remedy the defect outside normal working hours to the extent reasonable. The usual working hours are weekdays, Monday to Friday, 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., excluding federal holidays and December 24 and 31.
▪ In the event of class 2 defects (§ 10 para. 2 b) and an error message during normal working hours (cf. § 18 para. 1 lit. d) i), primeone shall commence at the latest at the beginning of the next working day after the error message and shall continue until the defect has been remedied within normal working hours. primeone may initially demonstrate a workaround and remedy the defect at a later date if this is reasonable for the Customer.
▪ Defects of class 3 (§ 1 0 para. 2 b) shall be eliminated by primeone as soon as possible, however, within four weeks at the latest, according to expediency within the framework of a proper defect elimination management.
2. primeone shall bear the costs incurred due to the fact that the improvement is impeded by the customer, for example, due to the operation of the contractual objects or the violation of the customer's obligations to cooperate. In the event that an improvement is made considerably more difficult or impossible by actions and/or omissions attributable to the sphere of the customer (regardless of fault), any warranty obligation of primeone shall lapse. In this case, the customer shall also forfeit any claim for damages or the right to contest error on account of the defect(s) asserted.
3. the following shall apply in the case of defects in connection with services under § 8 and § 9:
In case of defects in connection with services according to § 8 and § 9 of these GTC, the Client shall accept at least three attempts to remedy the defect. If the defect cannot be remedied, this shall only entitle the Client to a price reduction to the extent of a maximum of 5% of the remuneration agreed for the service concerned. A redhibitory action is excluded.

§ 19 Defects of title

primeone shall provide its services free of any third party rights that conflict with this contract or shall assign such rights to the contractual partner to the extent possible and permissible. In the event that third parties raise conflicting claims, the contractual partners shall inform each other thereof immediately and in writing. The contracting parties shall mutually support each other in defending against such claims; any liability of primeone for defects of title shall, however, be excluded, as shall the right of the customer to contest errors.

§ 20 Warranty period for material defects

The warranty period for all services rendered by primeone shall be six months from the date of handover. Notices of defects shall only be valid if they are made in writing (describing the specific defect(s)) within one week of performance (in the case of services not subject to acceptance) or acceptance (cf. § 10) of the agreed service. In the case of warranty, improvement shall in any case have priority over price reduction. Redhibition shall be excluded in any case. In the event of a justified notice of defects, the defects shall be remedied within a reasonable period of time. The presumption of defectiveness according to § 924 ABGB is hereby excluded.

§ 21 Damages

1. primeone shall be liable to the customer for damages for which it is demonstrably responsible only in the event of gross negligence in the amount of the typical damage foreseeable at the time of conclusion of the contract. Claims shall be limited to EUR 50,000.00 per case of damage and a total of EUR 125,000.00 for all cases of damage arising from and in connection with this contract. This shall also apply mutatis mutandis to damages attributable to subcontractors or special experts engaged by primeone. Liability for slight negligence is excluded except in the case of the following paragraph 2.
2. primeone shall be liable in accordance with the statutory provisions in the event of personal injury for which primeone is responsible.
3. liability for indirect damages - such as loss of profit, costs associated with business interruption, loss of data or claims by third parties - is expressly excluded.
(4) If data backup has been expressly agreed, liability for data loss shall not be excluded, but shall be limited to the typical recovery costs that would have been incurred if the data had been backed up in accordance with the state of the art. In this case, the liability shall be limited to 10% of the order amount per case of damage, however, to a maximum of EUR 15,000.00. Further claims of the Customer shall be excluded. 5.
5. primeone shall not be liable for the reversal of the burden of proof pursuant to § 1298 of the Austrian Civil Code (ABGB) and § 933a of the Austrian Civil Code (ABGB).
6. primeone shall have the right to plead contributory negligence.
7. primeone's claims for damages shall become statute-barred at the latest upon expiry of one year from knowledge of the damage and the damaging party.

§ 22 Subcontractors and special experts

If primeone uses subcontractors or special experts and warranty or other liability claims arise against them, primeone shall be entitled to assign these claims to the customer and shall thus be released from any related warranty obligations and any liability towards the customer.

§ 23 Secrecy

(1) The contracting parties undertake to treat as confidential all items (e.g. software, documents, information) received from the other contracting party or becoming known to them prior to or during the performance of the contract, in particular items that are legally protected or contain business or trade secrets or are designated as confidential, also beyond the end of the contract, unless they are publicly known without any breach of the confidentiality obligation. The contractual partners shall store and secure these items in such a way that access by third parties is excluded. 2.
(2) The customer shall make the contractual objects accessible only to those employees and other third parties who require access in order to perform their official duties. He shall instruct these persons about the need for secrecy of the objects.

§ 24 Data protection

1. the contracting parties shall comply with the applicable provisions of data protection law, in particular those applicable in Austria. primeone shall oblige the persons working on its side to maintain data secrecy in writing pursuant to Section 6 of the Austrian Data Protection Act (DSG) and shall provide evidence thereof to the customer upon request. If necessary, the contractual partners shall conclude a separate written agreement on commissioned processing pursuant to Art. 28 of the General Data Protection Regulation (DS-GVO).
2. if the customer collects, processes or uses personal data itself or through primeone, it warrants that it is entitled to do so in accordance with the applicable provisions, in particular the provisions of data protection law, and shall indemnify and hold primeone harmless from and against any claims of third parties in the event of a breach.

§ 25 Reference customer

primeone is entitled to refer to its business relationship with the customer and the projects carried out in advertising material, on its website, on social media, in presentations, at events, etc. and to name the customer as a reference customer.

§ 26 Non-solicitation

The Customer undertakes not to actively entice away any primeone employees for the duration of this contract and beyond for one year after its termination. Circumventions (e.g. via third parties) shall be treated in the same way as direct violations of this obligation. If the customer violates the non-solicitation obligation, it shall pay primeone a contractual penalty in the amount of the last gross annual salary of the solicited employee for each case of violation.

§ 27 Miscellaneous

This contract conclusively regulates all rights and obligations of the contracting parties. No ancillary agreements have been made. 2.
2. all agreements which contain an amendment, supplement or concretization of the contract on which these GTC are based, as well as the GTC themselves, must be made in writing in order to be effective. The written form requirement may only be waived or amended in writing.
If, according to these Terms and Conditions, declarations have to be made in writing, e-mails and faxes shall be sufficient. This shall not apply to declarations pursuant to § 13 para. 3 and § 14, which shall always require the written form pursuant to § 886 ABGB.
(4) The law of the Republic of Austria shall apply to the exclusion of conflict of laws provisions and the UN Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods. The exclusive place of jurisdiction for disputes arising out of or in connection with these General Terms and Conditions shall be primeone's registered office. primeone shall also be entitled to bring an action at the customer's general place of jurisdiction.
5. if one or more provisions of these terms and conditions are or become invalid or unenforceable in whole or in part, this shall not affect the validity of the remaining provisions. The invalid or unenforceable provision shall be replaced by a valid provision that comes as close as possible to the economic purpose of the invalid or unenforceable provision.